My Bach Piece #BachDoodle 🎼 bachpiece (1)
Month: March 2019
As soon as Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire have a TOTAL of 2 senators, not TEN, I’ll be willing to talk about how the #ElectoralCollege is undemocratic.
Lunch at Za’s
Red state, republican governor proposes new state gas tax at 10 cents/gallon. Road and bridge construction and maintenance, electric car infrastructure, and interestingly inland waterway projects. Cites need for bipartisanship. #RebuildAlabama
Dinner with Jenni. Allagash beers!
Quick stay at the LA Omni last week. Nice place. But they don’t allow rideshare into the hotel driveway area, so I’ll find other places to stay. Also there are much more interesting locations.