I spent the day getting a #digitalocean droplet running for a self-hosted @cloudlog Most time spent configuring virtual hosts in apache. Looking forward to seeing how the #cloudlog platform works. Next up is the import of my modest log file of ~1200 #morsecode contacts, and a hand full of other modes.
Kind: Notes
I don’t get how people use #Discord. Too many channels on each server. It’s kind of a mess really. I’m only following 3 servers (I think that’s they call ’em), but each server has about 20-30 “channels”, which are basically individual feeds. That’s 100 feeds to keep up with!
Happy to see people doing interesting things on APRS.
“Calling All Dreamers” Pop Up
We had a great time in Downtown #Sacramento at “Calling All Dreamers” Pop Up. This was a particular favorite – amazing drinks: https://www.instagram.com/theteetotalistsac/
As soon as Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire have a TOTAL of 2 senators, not TEN, I’ll be willing to talk about how the #ElectoralCollege is undemocratic.
Bad science but it feels to me like pho on a day like today will keep me from catching the cold everyone has.
Bike Commute Weather – BikeWxX

For many years, I was a regular bike commuter. I worked about 5 miles from my house, and the bike route was largely along the levees of the Sacramento River. Sacramento affords year-round bike commuting weather, but it does have it moments. Like the time I rode into the office when it was 22 degrees F, or when it started raining right when I was planning on riding home.
It occurred to me that a simple twitter bot, that posted twice a day, could give me the temperature on the ride in, and the temperature on the way home. Heck I’m checking twitter a couple times a day, may as well get some useful info out of it…
So I created “BikeWxX”. X stands for the cities, currently San Francisco, Sacramento, Silicon Valley, and Portland. I find it to be super convenient, hope you find it useful.
Here’s the code. Grab it and make a tool for the bike commuters in your community.